Saturday, September 9, 2023

Making of the Encyclopaedia | Prof. George Menachery | Part 13

          Saturday Evening Post

Making of the Encyclopaedia

From the Horse’s own Mouth

George Menachery


As I mentioned earlier it was Fr. M. M. Balaguer s.j. who under the energetic patronage of H. Em. Valerian Cardinal Gracias organized the 38th International Bombay Congress. As part of the Congress there were meetings of all international Catholic organisations including the Pax Romana. The Newman Association of India , the senior wing of Pax Romana in India also had its National Conference and General Body meeting in Bombay during the Congress. I was elected national vice-president of the Newman Association on this occasion.  This post gave me the opportunity to visit many Newman Circles in various cities of India which provided me with a greater understanding of the Indian Church and especially its Unity in Variety. This  exposure proved to be of immense value when I had to compile the Encyclopaedia with detailed and exhaustive information on the Church in different States of the country.

May I give a few excerpts from Fr. Balaguer’s articles in the Encyclopaedia on the Congress and the Papal visit:

“The visit of Pope Paul VI to Bombay on the occasion of the 38th International Eucharistic Congress was unique on the following three counts: (1) It was the first visit of a Pope to an International Eucharistic Congress, and after his visit to the Holy Land, the first made to any country abroad; (2) It was the first personal contact ever made by any Pope with millions and millions of non-Christians; (3) It was the visit of a foreign dignitary to receive from the people of India the wildest expressions of their deeply felt joyous welcome.

“Pope Paul’s encounter with the people of India was described as “love at first sight on both sides”. From the moment he appeared at the door of the aircraft, and stretching out his hands in an embrace that excluded none he folded them in a gracious Namaste, to the other moment of his departure when he declared “Here We leave our heart! We feel Ourself to share in a moral citizenship with this land, which We will ever love”, Pope and people felt mutually held in love and deeply bound together, in their respect for God, concern for social justice, and promotion of world peace.

“The aims of the Pope’s visit were clearly revealed in his short speech at the Fiumicino airport before emplaning for Bombay:

““Our journey”, he said, “as it has been very well understood by all, has no other aim than that of paying homage to Christ, Our Lord, the Immortal King of centuries and of peoples, on the occasion of the International Eucharistic Congress that gathers adoring crowds from the world over in the city of Bombay. Ours is besides a journey of peace and of love, aiming at tighter bonds of mutual understanding and friendship of all peoples....., again Ours is a journey of friendship and brotherliness, that gives Us the longed-for occasion of knowing from close quarters an immense people that enjoys Our great esteem...” (From the article on the Papal Visit in the Encyclopaedia.)

Some excerpts from Fr.Balaguer’s article in the Encyclopaedia on the Eucharstic Congress:

“The 38th International Eucharistic Congress was held in Bombay from November 28th to December 6th 1964. Preceded by painstaking preparations of over two years, controlled by an organization of more than 500 persons, and assisted by the whole hearted co-operation of the Civil Authorities and the good will of the Christian and non-Christian public, the Congress, held under the personal direction and ultimate responsibility of Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, was universally acclaimed

as eminently successful and the most outstanding religious event in the recent history of India.

“Three facts made the Bombay Congress unique among such Congresses: (1) that it took place during the period of the Second Vatican Council; (2) that it was held in a country and city where the population was overwhelmingly non-Christian; and  (3) that it was the first International Eucharistic Congress ever attended in person by the Holy Father.

“Among the Congress characteristics more generally admired one could mention the following: the Sacramental structure into which the main liturgical services were planned; the genuine piety of our Indian Catholics; the friendliness and co-operation of the non-Christian authorities and public; and the happy blend of efficient organization and deeply spiritual tone of the whole Congress.”

Some of the acquaintances I made during the Congress were quite helpful in the Making of the Encyclopaedia and my post as the National Vice-President of the Newman Association procured me an invitation to the Bogota Eucharistic Congress of 1968 from the US Pax Romana. I might also mention here that this 1968 invitation from the US which I carried with me when I visited the States in 1972 served as an Open Sesame on many occasions.

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Making of the Encyclopaedia | Prof. George Menachery | Part 21

     Saturday Evening Post Making of the Encyclopaedia From the Horse’s own Mouth George Menachery Twenty One I went to P. Orr. & Sons...